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On this page we will describe our background and philosophy.

Goals and Objectives

           We are a family organization which promotes interest in various forms of streetrodding. We also create good fellowship and sportsmanship among all members of the Easy Rodders and other car enthusiasts. We also conduct club functions and activities in a manner befitting members of the street rodding sport and especially the Easy Rodders. We promote safety in driving, maintenance and overall vehicle operations.

            Each year we put on a car show to raise money for the Special Olympics of Michigan and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.   Over the past few years Easy Rodders and Hulbert Haulers, a snowmobiler’s club who also share an interest in this cause, have been working very diligently towards providing much needed financial assistance for the many children and adults of the Special Olympics and JDRF.  As a non-profit street rod club, our members are committed to giving back to the community.  Your contribution will help defray a portion of our costs.

Our History

Easy Rodders were established in 1977 from a local chapter of what was once the Michigan Street Rod Association.